
Hello and thank you so much for visiting!

I'm Rebecca, a 30 year old mum of two from Belfast.

I have been blogging for nine(!) years now, originally starting as an online diary for my son when he was a baby then progressing into parenting and lifestyle as my family grew.

As my children got older, I made the decision that I wanted to share less about them online, for obvious reasons. I also found this time to rediscover my love of reading and sharing book reviews - thus Rebecca Reads was born!

On my blog, you will mostly find book reviews (my favourite genre is psychological thriller but I will read pretty much anything!) with the odd lifestyle post, parenting post or toy review thrown in.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it here!
If you wish to contact me, you can do so here: rebeccaphillips49@gmail.com

You can also find me on Facebook, TwitterInstagram, Goodreads,
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