Wednesday, 8 July 2020

2020 Reading Challenge | You Are Positively Awesome by Stacie Swift

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You Are Positively Awesome by Stacie Swift - 5/5  
Blurb: A pocket pick-me-up from an Instagram sensation

Everyone weathers difficult days; sometimes, people just wake up needing a bit of a boost and a reminder that nobody really has it together all the time. This is a book for all those days - a rainbow of good vibes, full of self-care prompts and words to live by. Even though deep down people know it's okay not to be okay, everyone needs a bit of a reminder from time to time.

Whether it's an affirmation to raise a smile, practical tips on upping self-care, or space to create a pie chart of 'Things That Help On Tough Days', this book combines colourful illustrations with useful words of support for everyone, even at their unsparkiest. 

Review: This is a really cute, positive, upbeat and encouraging book.

It doesn't translate fully into Kindle format given that, in print format, it would have little activity bits to fill in for you to look back on and give yourself a boost. I would definitely be interested in purchasing a physical copy to fill in!

The positivity is by the bucketful in this book and Stacie writes beautifully. It's so uplifting and I feel like it would be one of those books you'd gift to a friend for their birthday or Christmas. It focuses so much on feeling positive about yourself, remembering that you are loved, acknowledging that it is okay not to be okay and that people's lives that we see on social media aren't always sunshine and rainbows.

It's a reminder that self-care isn't selfish, take time for yourself, say "no" more and just be kind.

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