Monday, 24 August 2015

Look in my Letterbox #20

Goodness me, I just get later and later with posting this! For next week's one I'm gonna make a conscious effort to have it scheduled for Saturday and get back into the swing of things! Anyway, here's what I received in the post last week and I'm linking up with Look in my Letterbox.

Outdoor Opposites book
This was a surprise win that turned up in the post. I'm so chuffed with it as C will love it. My house is coming down with books!

Frozen bundle
I won this in a Twitter competition run by From Aldi to Harrods. She bought it whilst on honeymoon in America! 

The Truffle Mouse 
I won this from Scholastic on Twitter. It's a little old for both my children but I'll keep it for them as it sounds like a lovely read.

I won this headband from @loveleeuk on Instagram. I love it!

Floral headwrap
I won this gorgeous headwrap in a game of tag with @minimoonbeams on Instagram. The mustard colour will be lovely for A/W!

Baker Ross
Apologies for the rubbish photo! I love being a Baker Ross blogger and C got sent these fab Autumn/Halloween themed craft sets. I'm so excited to do them with him.

Bobux posted on Facebook that they were looking for testers of their shoes. I put E's details in the form and we were lucky enough to be chosen! 

Simply feet slippers 
I received these Geluxury Moisture Slippers to try out and they are amazing!!

Bickiepegs and doidy cup 
So handy and perfect for E at the mo! 

Personalised headband 
I bought this from @dollybowtique on Instagram. I knew as soon as I saw it, I had to have one. It's the cutest!

Watermelon headband
This, I purchased from @little_sweethearts on Instagram. I just need to order the gorgeous tie-dye watermelon leggings I saw from another Instagram store now! Someone really needs to ban me from Instagram lol!

Blue tutu

Batman dress
I bought this handmade Batman dress from @houseofharlaway on Instagram. I've always bought C superhero clothing so I wanted to do the same with E!

1 today vest 
I bought this online from Dollymix Boutique as it will be perfect with E's skirt and headwrap set on her birthday.

Leopard set 
I bought this skirt and headwrap set from @auroracoutureuk on Instagram. Love it so much!

Finally, my new baby arrived - my Sony Xperia Z3 compact. I had been counting down the days til my upgrade. I've had iPhones for about 6 years so changing over was weird but so worth it! I'll never go back to Apple.

Did you receive anything nice last week?

3 comments on "Look in my Letterbox #20"
  1. Wow, lots of lovely post. Love the bath an dress that's so cool!

  2. That batman dress is beyond adorable!
    Thanks for linking up with #LIML

  3. I always get so excited to read your LIML post! I subscribe to your posts by email (as your blog is one of my favs) and when I see the LIML post in my email, I'm like a kid in a sweet shop. Haha!

    That Batman dress is lovely, and that tutu is beautiful! You always dress E in such adorable and quirky clothing!

    Well done on your wins. :)

    I love being a Baker Ross too, but I have to hide the goodies from Dex before he sees them, otherwise he wants to open them there and then to get started and it's inevitably when I have something else to do that can't wait!
