Sunday, 15 March 2015

Siblings: March 2015

C has gone a little "off" E this month. Usually he'd constantly be hugging and kissing her but now that she is getting bigger and more vocal, he likes to be as far away from her as possible. I have been able to snap the odd picture of them together but they usually only sit nicely when C is tired. 

E is now 6 months old and can speed around the living room in her walker. C doesn't mind playing with her and sharing his toys when she is doing that. I'm hoping that when she is crawling or able to walk properly they'll enjoy playing together nicely and like being in each other's company.

dear beautiful
3 comments on "Siblings: March 2015"
  1. Our little guy went through this phase, he wouldn't go near his sister for a while. Thankfully it didn't last long x

  2. Ha ha, I love that he's steering clear a bit! I'm sure he'll be back to hugging again soon x

  3. They'll settle back into each other again when he realises what fun she can be x
