1 in every 14 babies in the UK are born prematurely. They need huge amounts of monitoring and support for the first few days, weeks or months of their lives.
With today being World Prematurity Day, the baby charity Tommy's is launching the first ever UK app designed to support parents through the complicated early days of a premature birth. The free app 'My Premature Baby' gives parents access to any facts that they need about prematurity at any time of day, right at their fingertips. You can also keep track of your baby's progress and get practical and emotional support on topics such as breastfeeding and expressing. There is also a feature to 'Find Friends' so that you can connect with other parents who are going through a similar experience.
The app has been developed in consultation with parents of premature babies and it includes features such as:
- Tommy's expert Having a Premature Baby guide
- A diary, allowing parents to record their baby's progress, milestones, and their own thoughts and feelings. You also have the option to search for other parents diaries.
- The ability to plot your baby's height and weight on special development charts that are specifically designed for premature babies
- The ability to record times, amounts and types of feeding (ie set alarms for breastfeeding or expressing)
- A sharing function so that you can share your baby's progress quickly and easily to Facebook
- Finding Friends feature. Here you can enter your postcode and contact local parents going through the same experiences as yourselves.
As a mum to a premature baby, this app seems like a brilliant idea and I only wish it had been around when C was born!
The app is called "My Premature Baby" and it is free of charge. It is available to use today.
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