With C being born at 33 weeks and me not having a single thing ready, I've had my hospital bag packed from 31 weeks this time. I wanted to have Chris under less stress as he was running round like a headless chicken trying to gather everything up for me.
I've separated mine into three parts; my bag, baby's bag and things that Chris will grab for me.
First off, here's what is in my bag:

20. Finally, big knickers! After my c-section, big underwear was a godsend as they were so high up that they didn't rub against my wound. Although I would hate to have another c-section, anything can happen.
I've separated mine into three parts; my bag, baby's bag and things that Chris will grab for me.
First off, here's what is in my bag:
1. The nightie is a maternity one from Bonprix and it buttons down to make breastfeeding easy.
2. The PJs are just a pair that I had at home (MIL actually bought me them as part of my Christmas gift last year!).
3. I usually wear boot-type slippers at home but I knew that they would be a pain to put on and take off so I picked up these little ones for £2 in Primark. Absolute bargain and I won't mind if they get ruined pacing the hospital floors!
4. When I was in having C, I only had a heavy dressing gown and I was far too hot so I chose this light floaty one from Matalan - I love it! I probably should have chosen a darker colour but, oh well!
5. I read online that apparently your feet can get cold in labour so you are recommended to bring socks so these have been thrown in as a 'just to be on the safe side' type thing!
6. I received this Laboraide in last month's Project-B box. I really hope I get to labour naturally so that I have a chance to use them!
7. Another thing that I read online was that your lips tend to dry out when using gas & air. I'm planning on solely using gas & air (alongside my Laboraide) so I'm thinking that I'll need this!
8. As I don't know yet how long I'll need to stay in hospital for, a razor is essential. I don't want to walk around with hairy pits!
9. I have long-ish hair and it always gets in the way so I've included lots of hair bobbles so I have one less thing irritating me!
10. I've packed two nursing vests - a Cantaloop one and an Emma-Jane one as I'm planning on breastfeeding.
11. Breast pads - an essential! I remember a couple of days after having C, I leaked all over my top and because I was so emotional I cried my eyes out over it.
12. I've packed a facecloth for two reasons - to cool me down by placing it on my forehead and also, the obvious, to wash with!
12. I've packed a facecloth for two reasons - to cool me down by placing it on my forehead and also, the obvious, to wash with!
13. Even though I had a c-section last time, I went through a crazy amount of maternity pads with post-partum bleeding hence why I've packed two packs.
14. I bought this little see-through travel toiletry set for £1 in Primark (I had one last time and it was so handy). Inside I've decanted my own shampoo, conditioner and shower gel for that post-birth clean. I've also brought my own toothpaste, antibacterial gel and nipple cream (just in case!).
15. A friend of mine recommended taking Go Ahead bars with me to keep my energy up (thanks Annette!) so I've brought a little pack with me. No doubt Chris will pop to the hospital shop to buy some extras though.
16. I read online that isotonic drinks are best for labour so Lucozade Sport was a no brainer for me.
17. As I'm not sure how my labour will go or if I'll have a lot of waiting time, I've brought a book to read. Obviously, Chris may not be able to be there if I'm not in active labour and it isn't visiting times so I would like to keep myself as occupied as I can.
18. A hairbrush is pretty self-explanatory isn't it? I don't want to walk around looking like a scarecrow!
19. My hospital provided towels last time but I prefer to use my own. I've packed two (just like last time) and if I have a long stay I can get Chris to take them home and wash them for me.
19. My hospital provided towels last time but I prefer to use my own. I've packed two (just like last time) and if I have a long stay I can get Chris to take them home and wash them for me.
20. Finally, big knickers! After my c-section, big underwear was a godsend as they were so high up that they didn't rub against my wound. Although I would hate to have another c-section, anything can happen.
Now here's what is in the baby's bag:
1. I've packed five sleepsuits - two being 'first size' and three being '0-3 months'. Hopefully something will fit!
2. I've also packed five bodysuits but in contrast, they are all 'first size'. Generally, first size will fit most newborns so we'll see!
3. I honestly don't know why I've even bothered packing a pair of scratch mitts. C never wore them and all the sleepsuits that I've packed have sleeves that can be folded down over her hands. Maybe they'll come in handy for something and if not, it's not like they take up a lot of space.
2. I've also packed five bodysuits but in contrast, they are all 'first size'. Generally, first size will fit most newborns so we'll see!
3. I honestly don't know why I've even bothered packing a pair of scratch mitts. C never wore them and all the sleepsuits that I've packed have sleeves that can be folded down over her hands. Maybe they'll come in handy for something and if not, it's not like they take up a lot of space.
4. I've packed two blankets. The bobble one I picked up in Matalan and I want to wrap her in that one while we're in hospital and the white one is handmade. I won it over on Cuddly Knits and it's so gorgeous that I want to take her home in it.
5. C had a comforter right from the off so I want her to be the same. I actually won this gorgeous aden + anais one!
6. I think one pack of nappies should be enough. If not, Chris can always go grab more.
7. I was sent these Organyc wipes to review so of course I had to include them. I can't wait to see how they are in comparison to my usual brand of choice.
5. C had a comforter right from the off so I want her to be the same. I actually won this gorgeous aden + anais one!
6. I think one pack of nappies should be enough. If not, Chris can always go grab more.
7. I was sent these Organyc wipes to review so of course I had to include them. I can't wait to see how they are in comparison to my usual brand of choice.
8. Just in case her little head gets cold!
9. I know all her sleepsuits have feet but these were a 'just in case' plus I'll probably put socks over her going home outfits to keep her feet warm.
10. Bibs are a necessity. I remember how much newborns spit up!
11. We got this little jacket and matching sleepsuit from Matalan. I love the vintage floral feel!
Lastly, I've got a little list of things that Chris will grab just before we head to the hospital. We live a stone's throw from the hospital so if he forgets anything (or I have!) it will be no problem for him to go back home.
So Chris will bring:
My maternity notes
Our mobiles
Change for TV/snacks
Our toothbrushes
I will also get him to bring the car seat when we're due to go home and my going home clothes. I didn't pack these with me initially because I don't want them getting creased. This way, Chris can iron them and bring them to me on the day.
Have I missed anything out? What were your hospital bag essentials?
Have I missed anything out? What were your hospital bag essentials?
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