Lamaloli are an online clothing store that cater for both adults and children. I'd never heard of Lamaloli before but after a quick browse at their website, I was in love with all the branded kids clothing. C is a huge Mickey Mouse fan and they stock a fab range.
I was very kindly offered the opportunity to try out some kids clothing for C. I opted for one bodysuit but the lovely people at Lamaloli sent us three! How lucky is C?
The first thing that caught my eye was the bright colours. C would love them. The logo on the bodysuits are printed on and, very surprisingly, they haven't cracked or started to peel after a few washes. One of the first things I look for with clothing is how well stitched they are and I can happily say that I have no complaints about these bodysuits.

Each bodysuit has three poppers at the bottom and two at the left side of the neck. C is 23 months old and I opted for age 24mth as he's still comfortably wearing 18-24month clothing. They did seem a little tight around the bottom but I can't complain too much!
Apologies for blurry photos - trying to take pics of an active toddler proves difficult for me at 37 weeks pregnant!
Overall, we love these bodysuits. They are fab quality at a really reasonable price. They fit well, pass the washing machine test and C seems really comfortable in them. I love that they are the real (licensed) deal too!
(Disclaimer: We received these items free of charge in exchange for an open and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)
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