Tuesday, 22 July 2014

C at 22 Months

I'm a day late with this - oops! But yes, C is now 22 months old. I can't believe that he's going to be a 2 year old so soon!

His speech is coming on leaps and bounds although he doesn't like to speak in front of other people when we ask him. He likes to make us look silly! His new words this month include: "ni-night", "love you" (which he pronounces more like "tuv too"), "choo choo" (for when we ask what a train does), "uh oh" (when he drops something on the ground), "yes", "cheese", "nose" (and points to it too), "rainbow", "bye bye" and he also says "star" when we sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. 

I think he is acknowledging the baby more. I mentioned before that he would give my tummy kisses but now he's started to poke my belly and say "baba". 

He has a real temper now too. Anytime he doesn't get his own way, all Hell breaks loose. I'm talking shaking and a red face! 

He still loves his kisses from mummy and daddy but he's now starting grabbing both mine and Chris's heads and pushing them together to make us kiss and then he laughs. I don't know why it's so funny! 

C saw his first ladybird this month but I think it freaked him out a little bit. It was walking up my dads arm and C kept backing up into my arms. 

We had our first tongue biting incident too. I completely freaked out with the blood and he had a little cry but all was good after an ice lolly! 

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