Today I had an appointment at the hospital with my consultant. Last night I had a horrible headache and as that's one of the symptoms of pre-eclampsia, I tested my urine with the Ketostix that I was given and found that there was only a trace of protein so I had nothing to worry about.
At the appointment today, she measured the size of my tummy which was all okay, checked my blood pressure which although was high at the first reading, it was 117/81 the second time so perfectly fine and, my favourite (!), she took some bloods to check my blood sugar and antibodies.
I mentioned that at my 20 week scan, the sonographer only spotted two vessels in the umbilical cord instead of the usual three. She then gave me a quick scan and she was right, there are only two but this is enough to bring blood to and from the baby. It doesn't seem to be affecting her growth as she is estimated to be around 3lbs 6oz. She is head-down at the moment too.
I was really happy with the way everything went and although I won't see my consultant again until 35 weeks, I'll need to see my midwife at the GP surgery every two weeks just to keep an eye on my blood pressure.
I was told that having a natural birth this time is fine (considering that my BP stays down) so I am completely over the moon at that. I have everything crossed as I really don't want to go for another c section.
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