The baby is still feeling really low down and her kicks are pretty much still around my bladder area - not good! I have had a few kicks higher up though...but then again I think my bump looks a bit higher this week?! We did have an incident where I was lying on my side in bed, the baby mustn't have liked it and kicked me. I jumped and squealed, scaring the life out of Chris. She's getting stronger!
I've been struggling to eat this week. It's not that my appetite is gone or that I feel sick, but I can't find anything I want to eat and when I do find something, it has to be the tiniest portion known to man otherwise I just feel breathless!
I've been struggling to eat this week. It's not that my appetite is gone or that I feel sick, but I can't find anything I want to eat and when I do find something, it has to be the tiniest portion known to man otherwise I just feel breathless!
This week, we've been deciding on baby purchases (the bigger items). We move house at the start of July so unfortunately, we can't start buying until then.
At 23 weeks the baby weighs a little over 500g and is measuring around 29cm. Her hearing is now established so she can probably make out distorted voices, my heartbeat and tummy rumbles! Her lungs are now developing to prepare her for breathing.
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