My skin is still awful. My forehead is dry and my entire face seems to be breaking out. I haven't got any new stretchmarks, just the ones from my previous pregnancy.
My lower back and bottom of my tummy seems to be quite sore. I'm going to invest in some bump bands to see if they give me any relief. I've started to get heartburn too. I didn't get this until 32 weeks last time and it is a right pain!
I'm pretty sure that I've been seeing 'floaters' and unable to concentrate on anything, especially at night. I'm not wanting to jump to the "oh my goodness, it must be the pre-eclampsia developing again" assumption as it usually doesn't develop until around 29-30 weeks. I haven't had any headaches and I'm hoping its just happening for another reason! Maybe I should get my blood pressure checked just to be on the safe side!
At 21 weeks my baby's eyebrows and eyelids are fully formed and she can now blink. Her kicks are getting stronger and Chris and I have now witnessed my belly move. She seems to be most active between 10pm and 1am.
We had our 20 week scan on Thursday and you can read more about that here if you missed it. Now that the scan is out of the way, we will be focusing on buying the bigger baby items and getting my hospital bag sorted sooner rather than later!
We had our 20 week scan on Thursday and you can read more about that here if you missed it. Now that the scan is out of the way, we will be focusing on buying the bigger baby items and getting my hospital bag sorted sooner rather than later!
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