Monday, 21 April 2014

My Second Pregnancy: 20 Week Bump Update

I'm 20 weeks pregnant. Halfway there! This is going way too fast for my liking. I have my 20 week anomaly scan on Thursday and I'm so nervous that something will be wrong. I remember feeling the same way with C's scan. Fingers crossed for a healthy baby. Her kicks are getting so much stronger and it's lovely to feel her in there. 

This week has been great. I haven't been as tired but it's been really good weather and hot sun and pregnancy does not mix well for me. I felt like I was going to melt! 

I feel huge. My belly may not look very big at the moment but it feels heavy, especially at the bottom. On Saturday, I didn't eat a lot, just a regular amount, but it felt like the food was just sitting under my ribs. Eugh. My bum is getting massive too. It's bigger than my belly now!

My lower back has been aching. I've seen that Mothercare sell a 2 pack of bump bands for £10 so I think I'm gonna give them a shot. I really need more support. 

We just had two little baby purchases this week. My mum bought us 3 little pairs of socks from TK Maxx and we picked up a 2 pack of baby headbands. I know a lot of people may not be fans of headbands but after a lot of people referring to C as 'she' when he was small, I don't want it happening again. I think it's really awkward correcting people! 

At 20 weeks she now measures around 26cm long and is gaining weight beautifully. She is swallowing more and producing meconium for her lovely first smelly nappy :) 

I'll be sure to pop in with an update after our scan on Thursday! 
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