Tuesday, 10 September 2013

C's 1 Year Check

Yesterday, the health visitor came out to see C for his one year check. As soon as he walked in, C took a little look at him to suss him out as we chatted and then held his hand out as though he wanted to shake his hand and say, "you're okay"! 

He did his usual weight, height and head circumference checks. He now weighs 23lbs 8oz, his height is 74cm which I believe is in the 50th centile and his head circumference is in the 99th centile! I always knew he had a big head though. He wears 18-24mth hats!! 

We explained that C is starting to walk but doesn't really crawl. The health visitor told us that from what he's seen that C looks completely normal for a 12 month old. This was fantastic news seeing as he was born 2 months early. Socially, he's very happy with him as he was over trying to communicate with him and holding his hands out to get his attention. 

C's usual feeding routine is breakfast & a bottle, lunch, a bottle, dinner and a bedtime bottle with a few snacks throughout the day. The health visitor suggested that we cut out the middle bottle and replace his morning bottle with a beaker of cows milk. My baby boy is growing up! He did suggest that we keep the bedtime bottle the same so he still feels comforted for the time being but if we keep him on a lot of bottles it can stunt his speech as he'll not really be able to use his tongue to make sounds. So C is starting on the cows milk today! 

He discussed the 1 year immunisations in more detail and just informed us on baby proofing the house and getting C registered with a dentist. When the HV was leaving I said, "Are you gonna say bye?" and C waved towards the door. He's a wee smarty pants! I cannot believe how much he has grown and progressed  in a year. I wonder what I'll be writing about his 2 year check up! I bet it will fly in! 
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